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Booth Clean Up

Since it is the new year and we all set goals not only personally but also for our business. Some things that have really bothered me with the business is labeling, booth setup, classes, social media, etc. How will I accomplish all of this? When I am telling my husband things like this he always says, “How do you eat an elephant?” Rolling my eyes at him thinking, I am not eating an elephant! But I know what he meant, when you have a lot to do, take one step at a time to get it done. Why an elephant though?? Anyways, to put it into my terms, list out what needs to be done and complete each task doing what you can when you can.

Organization of the Booths

 How can I create labels that are easy for me to understand what was sold in-store? First, I sat down and create a database to easy identify each item in the inventory, the vendors I purchased the inventory from, pricing, availability, and labeling. This was already somewhat done due to Shopify and QuickBooks. I had to make it easy for the employees that run the storefront for my booth to enter in the sales in a way that made sense. So, I took a process from my daytime job and created vendor codes and item numbers that could easily identify each item in our booth by vendor. I know this may seem like overkill, but the struggle was real! Now that we’ve created a database, skus, and labels for EVERYTHING, what is the next step?

Clean up and organizing! Since I have a day job and the timing of store hours this became a weekend task. Two Saturdays of taking things off the shelving labeling each item, then strategically placing the items back on the shelf in both an organized and eye appealing way, my back is KILLING me!


To say all of this, I still had fun in the process! I used scrap wood in our stash... never throw a piece of wood out!! You can always make something out of nothing. I built two new shelves specifically for certain products that both gave me more room to add inventory as I grow and clean up the stock so it can be seen. Is it perfect, maybe not, but it’s all about Trial and Error!

I have been able to check off two goals so far this year, labeling all the items and resetting the booths!

More to come!